2023 Bag trends you need to know now

Bags are the fashion statement that doesn’t go unnoticed. They are always visible and are among the first focus points while walking down the street. We are eager to share with you the fashion pieces that can elevate your whole look. Stand out in a crowded street with these trendy handbags.

First things first. We need to mention the trends that these bags are bringing to the forefront. If you thought that mini or fluffy handbags were out of fashion, think again. The micro handbag is the new it girl item. While it cannot hold the quantity of full workday worthy items it is a piece that screams I can afford to have a free time in a vary subtle yet bold way. If you feel like giving up on looking fabulous as you go down your daily tasks, be hold, the big tote bag is in again and this time – “The bigger, the better”. You can keep your sports requisites together with your full workday accessories in one place and you can look absolutely fashionable doing so. We can safely say that 2023 is the year of extremes when it comes to bag fashion. Go miniature or go extra large, you are on the game, girl!

1. Extra large tote bag

FURLA Opportunity bag

Furla Opportunity Tote L Naturale

This bag is a must have for the fashionista who wants to make a statement and have all of her belongings with her. The natural tones bring relaxation mood yet the stable structure adds class and feelings for having “everything together”. Isn’t it really like “Having everything together” with this bag?



